Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Weekend Work 3.9

I was excited to get back in town after being gone for nine days.  Missed the family as my travels are starting back up so hate being away.  This weekend I planned to get the chipper and knock the massive pile of branches that we have been stacking up.  I thought we could easily knock it out in four hours so only rented for 1/2 day.  The morning was a little chilly but it turned out to be a beautiful day.  B and started out making quick head way.

My deal with B was that he had to work at the property every weekend I'm out there (when appropriate) for at least four hours.  I think it is important for the kiddos to have a good work ethic and it starts from an early age.  I grew up on the farm and worked hard (maybe my parents think differently :-) but my kids have all kinds of screen time distractions.  

Well, after about two hours I quickly realized that the pile of branches equated to more hours .... called the rental place and said I need to extend to a full day.  B and I ended up working for seven hours and with the exception of a couple minor complaints, he was a trooper and worked hard.  It was great to see, he really helped me out.

Here is B conquering mulch pile #3.   We have about 15-20 yards of mulch and only used about 1/2 the branch pile so I guess we will have at least 40 yards of mulch to use.  Awesome.

S is limited in what she can do but she wants to paint.  However, she was able to help out on the dump trailer with all the quarry spalls I have to put down for the construction entrance.

The four legged neighbors were out when we were packing up so I grabbed a picture out the window before leaving.


  1. Just got caught up on your blog! Your house looks amazing and I'm excited to see it come together. We are very jealous of the land you are building on! The house we are building is our first home and we plan on being there 10 years or however long it takes me to pay off my student loans. We are hoping to find some land with a few acres for our next house, but will be in a subdivision for our first one. They are digging out the basement on ours today!

  2. Thanks. I grew up on hundreds of acres so I've been wanting land for the last 15 years or so. We started in a small 800 sq ft home and this will be our fourth home. We've lived in neighborhoods the previous houses and there is good and bad with that. I'm excited and hopefully it works out well for the kids because I know they will miss being able to walk right down the street to see their friends instead of coordinating for a play date.

    Anxious to see the pictures of your basement excavation and the form settings.
