Friday, June 7, 2013

Got Power

Got the call from the electric company that they would be turning on the power sometime today but couldn't give me a timeframe.  I had dumped 10yd of sand by the temp pole pit but had to take some by the transformer pit so I got there early to move about 4yd.

The power company showed up first thing and got right to work.

The three lines were big and filled up the 3" pipe.  They attached the cables to the 250' rope I had to leave inside the conduit and the guy on the other end started to pull.

Even though there was only one slight bend, about 22 degrees, he was still pulling hard to get that wire through the conduit.  I jumped in and helped him pull for about the last 100' so that was pretty cool.  I wanted to get some pictures of them actually connecting up the wires but the lumber salesman showed up to go over the upcoming first load.  By the time I finished up, they were already done and packing up.

I then filled in both pits with sand and checked the meter .... it shows all 0000s.  Pretty sweet.

We now have power and don't have to worry about taking generators back and forth.

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