Sunday, May 12, 2013

Want to Spall

You probably remember seeing those 4"-8" angular rock on driveway entrances to new construction.  Those are required as a means to knocking off dirt/debris from vehicles before they leave the property.  These rocks are called quarry spalls (crushed basalt)

 My site plan calls for having an entrance a minimum of 15' wide, 20' long, and 12" deep of quarry spalls (4"-6").  I think I brought in at least 20 yards to cover the area and ended up going a little longer on the drive anyway.

 I used the excavator with the 3' bucket to scrap down about 12" and then used the blade to level everything out.

I tried using the mini-ex to grab the spalls and spread out but it made it tough to grab without pushing the bottom layer into the ground.  So I ended up using the dingo to scoop up buckets and then I could control the dumping as well.  After I was done, jumped on the mini-ex and rolled back and forth until pretty flat and level.

Construction driveway entrance completed

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