On Thursday, met with the designer to go over more details to get to the point where we can finalize. Met for about an hour and was very productive; made a lot of minor tweaks and went over many variations of the front elevation. Here is the leading candidate:
Here is an early rendition looking from the side.
This weekend was a little less productive as we had several personal engagments going on but was able to still get a few things done.
We marked the (tentative) front left corner of the house and the angle we want the house to go so it would line up how we planned. With a little math and two long tape measures (300' & 100'), we marked out the other three corners of the house. They weren't exact but close enough to give an idea of how large the footprint was and how much more clearing needed to be done.
The ground slopes away front to back about three feet over a 50' run which is good for a daylight basement. Since I will be going up 2', I only have to excavate out about another 4' but with 5 acres, have plenty of room to extend and swell out.
The guy doing the septic redesign/storm water design/site plan was supposed to come out Saturday and take a look at the proposed house location. He was supposed to check the perc holes and let me know if I need to do any more work to those dug out areas before the health department comes out to inspect. Well, he failed to show up and haven't heard from him. Hope everything is ok but hate when people don't show up or call when they are supposed to. His price is very good considering all the plans he is doing for us and getting an engineer stamp but hopefully it wont come back to bite us.
I fell another 6-8 trees and the family added the branches to the pile after I cut. I think we are almost done with taking down trees so B really wants to get the chipper out there to make some mulch. It will cost $180 to rent for the day but I estimate we will get at least 30-40 yds of mulch. After we get the remaining stumps out and level out the area, we will be able to have a much clearer picture. Maybe a couple more trees but not many.
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